Proposed Courses

Allied Health Science

The Allied Medical sciences include Speech language Pathology & Audiology, Clinical Psychology, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Neurokinesiology, Clinical Linguistics, Special Education & Vocational Training & Occupational Therapy Division.

Engineering Division

Includes a Biomedical and Biotechnology Engineering division, Electronics, Computer Engineering and Nanotechnology Division.


Deals with advanced research in molecular genetics mainly oriented to venture in areas of treatment and prevention of disabilities and also in the application of genetics in genetic engineering and stem cell development for treatment and prevention of Non-communicable Neurological disorders and developmental disabilities.

Legal Aspects of Medical Practice and Health Administration

Institution for studying Legal aspects of Health administration, Statutory Regulations, Medical protection Ethics relating to organ transplantations, Genetic studies, Stem cell therapy, PNDT, Consumer, PWD acts, protections equal opportunity for Education and Jobs and International Health Tourism.


Bio-pharmacology for the development of various pharmacological agents especially in the treatment of conditions like mental retardation, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, dementia, epilepsy and other cognitive and communicative disorders. The Indian medical systems especially Ayurveda and the role Ayurvedic Medicines may be extensively evaluated using principles of modern Biochemistry, Neurochemistry and Nanotechnology

Biochemistry Neurochemistry and applied Neuro-physics

To understand the biochemical and Neuro-chemical basis of Inborn errors metabolism leading to developmental disabilities, Neurochemical and biochemical basis of Dementia, Autism, ADHD or MR and other degenerative disorders and apply these knowledge in the development of treatment programs for these disorders.


Under graduate, post graduate and Post-basic courses in rehabilitation Nursing.