Audiology & Speech Language Pathology
- Provides quality assured services to individuals with various communication disorders across age.
- The Department is offering Bachelor degree in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (B.ASLP) affiliated to Kerala University of Health Sciences(KUHS) and recognized by Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI).
- ICCONS was the premier institution in Kerala to start the Bachelor degree in Audiology and Speech Language Pathology (B.ASLP) in the year 2001
- Puretone Audiometry
- Speech audiometry
- Special tests for differential diagnosis
- Immittance audiometry (Tympanometry and Reflexometry)
- Oto acoustic emission (OAE)
- Hearing aid fitting and Programming
- Auditory training
- Audiological screening camps at schools, referral areas and industries
- Evaluation and management of speech disorders such as
- Voice disorders
- Articulation disorders
- Fluency disorders
- Motor speech disorders (Dysarthria, Cerebral Palsy apraxia etc)
- Evaluation services include
- Detailed case history
- Perceptual evaluation
- Administration of standardized test materials
- Instrumental analysis including PRAAT, CSL, MDVP, MSP, Real Time Analyser, EGG, Spirometer
- Evaluation and management of various language disorders such as
- Delayed language development
- Intellectual disability
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Learning disability
- Aphasia etc.
- Standardized tests available in the department are
- Com Deall Developmental Checklist
- FDA etc.
- Conducting BASLP course since 2001.
- Provides internship training for BASLP students from outside the institution
- ICCONS is providing special training for children with learning disability on weekly twice basis regularly and on daily basis during summer vacation. LD training classes are based on phonological awareness activities to improve reading and writing skills in LD children.
- We are conducting autism class by including parents to create awareness among parents about how to deal with children having autism. We are also conducting autism class for inpatients in which ward assistants are involved. The main focus of autism class is to provide multi-sensory stimulation
- Academic activities
- Research and development
- 1. Lohithakshan,N.M., Padmanabhan,A., Kumminimana,R., & Suresh,A. (2020). Vocabulary in Typically developing Malayalam Speaking Children. Paripex Journal of Indian Research,9(10),76-77
- 2. Lohithakshan N.M., & Nataraja N.P., (2020). Effect of stimulus modality on the performance on working memory tasks in children. Int J Health Sci Res, 10(12):247- 251.
- 3. Lohithakshan,N.M., Kumminimana,R., Padmanabhan,A., & Suresh,A. (2019). Effectiveness of Scheull’s Auditory Stimulation Approach in the Rehabilitation of Wernicke’s Aphasia. Asia Pacific Journal of Research,1
- 4. Lohithakshan, N. M., & Nataraja, N. P. (2019). Word Fluency in Typically Developing Malayalam Speaking Children. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 9(11), 23-29.
- 5. Poovathinal, S. A., Anitha, A., Thomas, R., Kaniamattam, M., Melempatt, N., Anilkumar, A., & Meena, M. (2018). Global Prevalence of Autism: A Mini-Review. SciFed Journal of Autism, 2(1).
- 6. Poovathinal SA, Anitha A, Thomas R, Kaniamattam M, Melempatt N, Anilkumar A, Meena M (2016) Prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in a semi-urban community in south India. Annals Epidemiol 26:663-665