Our Projects - Institution for Allied Health Sciences

The Allied Medical sciences include Speech language Pathology & Audiology, Clinical Psychology, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Neurokinesiology, Clinical Linguistics, Special Education & Vocational Training & Occupational Therapy Division.

  • a. Service Sector:

    Inpatient & Outpatient services for children and adults with various Cognitive & Language Disorders and physical disabilities like Autism, Mental Retardation, Cerebral Palsy, single and multiple congenital anomalies, anoxic brain damage, childhood stroke and inborn errors of metabolism Acquired aphasias, Stroke.

  • b. Manpower Development:

    Under graduate courses, post graduate and Post-doctoral courses in speech language pathology, clinical psychology, Neuropsychology ,Cognitive Psychology, Anthropology and Clinical linguistics, Occupational therapy, Special Education, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.

  • c. Research & Development :

    Research & Development in cognitive communicative disorders of developmental or acquired nature and non-communicable Neurological disorders the concerned.